Society imposes certain norms of behavior on a person, since a community of people implies unity on some grounds, otherwise its parts will not be able to interact. For this reason, a person is always dependent on the team. If he is freed from this addiction, he falls out of society forever.
This is an example of Larra, the hero of Gorky's story “The Old Woman Isergil”. Society rejects Larra for killing the elder’s daughter. She refused him love, he took revenge on the proud beauty. The tribe on the council exhorted him, people wanted to show him that this should not be done. However, the proud man listened coldly to their speeches and was in no hurry to repent. Then the community decided to expel the dangerous young man from their ranks. Larra was doomed to lonely wanderings, and God also endowed him with immortality. Only then did he know the price of permissiveness and human contempt. Apparently, it is impossible to stay in society if you have come out of obedience and violated its laws. People could no longer live side by side with the hero, because they were afraid of him. Crossing the prohibitions, he became dangerous for all relatives, no one else trusted him. No wonder that freedom from the tribe led Larra to exile.
The problem of man's search for his place in the social structure was also raised in B. Pasternak’s novel "Doctor Zhivago." There, man, too, could not free himself from society, being part of it. Boris Zhivago cannot accept the changed order in Russia during the revolution and the Civil War. He falls in love with Lara Antipova, who also wants to break away from the violence and misfortunes that have befallen the country and her family. They realize that it is impossible to escape from war and harsh reality with impunity, so they decide to take risks and die. In their opinion, this is better than being involved in the terrible events that bring violence and bloodshed. Boris Zhivago is an example of a man who did not endure the new social order, for whom it was easier to get away from them and create at least for a while his own personal happy world, albeit divorced from important social problems of that time. The hero became free only when he left for Yuryatin, escaping from society.
Thus, it is impossible to live in society and be free from it, as the great revolutionary Lenin said. I also think so, because violation of public dogma promises inevitable expulsion, because society unites due to the fact that people honor the rules and norms that are binding on everyone. If a person despises them, he has no place in the team.